Whiteboys with Sweatbands and Popped Collars Love to Suck Cock!!
That's right you read the title right! I know you have seen these jokers in the club. You got these white boys wearing their sweat head bands in the club like they can actually dance. I have personally seen that most of them just stand around with their mouths open ready to suck a dick. They don't dance the whole night, so obviously they are wearing the headband like it's some kind of fashion statement.
Where did these jokers get this "style" from? Black men! Not African Americans ... sorry but I actually have "real" black friend that find African American a moronic term. Well news flash to these white boys: black men and latinos (some who also wear the sweatbands) can actually dance. We sweat when we dance that hard and actually need the sweatbands, but you dumb white asses don't need them standing up against the fucking wall.
My ex-roommates have kept me out of many fights during my college years. I have personally elbowed some of these white boys many times on the dance floor. If you are standing in the middle of the dancefloor, and not dancing, you deserve to get your cracker ass hit right in the mug!!!! Many of you that have been on the same dance floor as me HAVE been hit it your ugly mug.
Now it seems like the sweatbands have given way to the "popped collars". This style seems to be mostly popular with the most guido wanna be motherfuckers. If John Gotti was still alive he would smack the shit out of these motherfurckers. Collars are to be popped up so you can properly tie your tie, then put back down. Learn it, Live it, and Love it. Have pride in Italian suits you fucking degenerates.
God I would love to see these 2 groups in jail ... fresh meat would NOT even be the word. Their has been a long standing joke in jail that you either have to beat someone up on the first day or become someone's bitch .... these kids would definitely become the bitches.
This is a warning to all those offenders mentioned above: don't pop your collars up and don't wear sweat headbands, or your autopsy will show that you were choked by sweatband or by your FUCKING COLLAR!!! (You could also just kill yourself and save me the jail time also)