Thursday, August 31, 2006

Whiteboys with Sweatbands and Popped Collars Love to Suck Cock!!

That's right you read the title right! I know you have seen these jokers in the club. You got these white boys wearing their sweat head bands in the club like they can actually dance. I have personally seen that most of them just stand around with their mouths open ready to suck a dick. They don't dance the whole night, so obviously they are wearing the headband like it's some kind of fashion statement.

Where did these jokers get this "style" from? Black men! Not African Americans ... sorry but I actually have "real" black friend that find African American a moronic term. Well news flash to these white boys: black men and latinos (some who also wear the sweatbands) can actually dance. We sweat when we dance that hard and actually need the sweatbands, but you dumb white asses don't need them standing up against the fucking wall.

Punchd design

My ex-roommates have kept me out of many fights during my college years. I have personally elbowed some of these white boys many times on the dance floor. If you are standing in the middle of the dancefloor, and not dancing, you deserve to get your cracker ass hit right in the mug!!!! Many of you that have been on the same dance floor as me HAVE been hit it your ugly mug.

Now it seems like the sweatbands have given way to the "popped collars". This style seems to be mostly popular with the most guido wanna be motherfuckers. If John Gotti was still alive he would smack the shit out of these motherfurckers. Collars are to be popped up so you can properly tie your tie, then put back down. Learn it, Live it, and Love it. Have pride in Italian suits you fucking degenerates.

God I would love to see these 2 groups in jail ... fresh meat would NOT even be the word. Their has been a long standing joke in jail that you either have to beat someone up on the first day or become someone's bitch .... these kids would definitely become the bitches.

This is a warning to all those offenders mentioned above: don't pop your collars up and don't wear sweat headbands, or your autopsy will show that you were choked by sweatband or by your FUCKING COLLAR!!! (You could also just kill yourself and save me the jail time also)

Sunday, August 27, 2006

What The Fuck Is Pluto?

Pluto collision

Pluto is a planet no more, but who really fucking cares? Well apparently scientists and nerds do ... A LOT. There has been a lot of argument on both sides of the issue with a lot of people that just don't care. A lot of these people that could care less about the status (include me in this group) have been hitting the internet to comment on exactly why they don't care. Some of these people have been posting banners such as "Pluto is Gay".

Pluto Finally Came Out design

If Pluto's planetary status is really one of your priorities, then you have SERIOUS issues. Maybe natural selection will catch up to you and bump your sorry ass out of the gene pool.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Yankees Sweep The Sux (Yes I meant to spell it that way)

Yankees Sweep The Red Sox

In case you haven't heard, the Yankees swept the Red Sox. There is still plenty of baseball left, but Boston is essentially done. It looks like Joe Torre will get a chance to rest most of his players before the play offs are set to start, a luxury he hasn't been able to enjoy in the past few years. The Yankees won't necessarily win the World Series this year, but they have a much better shot than last year.

World Baseball designs

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The ULTIMATE Wingman

I Cum In All Sizes design

The ULTIMATE Wingman is that one friend that can pull attractive women from the bars, but is always willing to "take on for the team". Now by take one for the team I mean,of course, taking the fat and/or ugly friend home, so you can get the cute one. There are some attractive woment hat bring these hags to the bars with them so they can feel better about themselves. These fugly friends usually turn out to be the biggest cock blockers ever. If they don't hook up, then they will try their hardest to stop you from hooking up with their hot friend.

Now half of you are nodding your head right now and the other half are red with anger. To this last half let me say I have been just as big as some of these fat friends and have toned up thanks to the Bowflex (yes it is that good but you need to eat a balanced diet too fat asses!). In other words, I think I have earned the right to despise fugly chicks.

Don't like being fugly? Work out and stop stuffing your face. If you look at one of my earlier articles I outline a lot of the biggest things that helped me slim down (read it for your health and others eyes).

One of my friends reminded me that I started this blog as a rant and I will remember to write further hard hitting stuff like this. Next up is probably gonna be my rage for juiced up white boys that think wearing sweat headbands in the club is some kind of fashion statement (sweat bands are for sweating dipshit ... they made them for tennis players).

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Snakes On A Plane ... Correction, Snakes On A MUTHA FUCKIN' Plane.

Snakes On A Plane designs

It's crazy. Now there is almost no way you haven't heard about Snakes On A Plane (aka S.O.A.P). I think only the Amish no nothing about this movie. It has been all over commercials, the internet, and news channels.

Before I type anything else I have to say Samuel L Jackson is the man. Now that I've said that, S.O.A.P has to be one of the worst movie ideas I've heard of in awhile. It is so bad in fact, that everyone wants to see it (including me). You see it on tv and think it's a joke of a movie, then you realize they are serious.

It would be suprising if this movie didn't jump to number one this weekend. There is so much media hype that it CAN'T fail. There was a fucking music video made!!! No seriously there was. There are even people designing shirts for the movie (apparently the studio is allowing people to use the movie name in their products as part of the hype machine). Here's some examples:

Vote For Snakes Design
Can I Take This Snake On The Plane (offensive) design
Cobra Chasing A Plane black t shirt

There are literally thousands of designs on the web backing this movie. You can browse the bulk of these here:

Snakes On A Plane designs

What Happens in Vegas, DOESN'T Stay in Vegas.

Welcome To Las Vegas Nevada

You've all heard of that lame ass phrase: "What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas." That has got to be one of the most annoying phrases. All the Vegas commercials now depict tourists as people coming to Vegas for some gambling and whoring around. I have no problem with this depiction, but what you do there doesn't always stay there.

Consider all the college kids visiting sin city; now you know there will be at least some that have unprotected sex. Next thing you know some of those college kids go home with a nice disease as a souvenir (or for some of the women a nice little pregnancy as an early X-Mas). So much for the STDs (or is it STIs now?) staying in Vegas.

I'm not saying that Vegas is full of scumbags, but I am saying a lot of people that visit Vegas are dirty. Don't use the lame phrase anymore, and do be careful before Vegas follows you home. (PS this one is just for you Jay)

Greed, Gambling,and Las Vegas designs

Saturday, August 12, 2006

America's Hate Affair With A-Rod.

There is a great article about America's hate affair with A-Rod over at's E-Ticket. I won't even attempt to give you a summary. For one the article is long (but dont fret, there are PLENTY of pictures and cartoons), and two the title is a good enough summary.

World Baseball designs

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bombs On A Plane Is This Weeks Real Blockbuster.

In the same week that the much hyped movie, "Snakes On A Plane", was to be released, British authorities foiled a plot by terrorists to put bombs on a plane (or 10 planes). Apparently, the terrorists were going to use the "British Version of Gatorade" to carry the explosive liquid. The bombs would then be triggered by an iPod or cell phone (bet Apple wasn't very happy to hear this news.

On an interesting side story, the market price of crude oil dropped after the news of these arrests. You can read the whole story at .

Monday, August 07, 2006

A Quick Update

Yeah a friend reminded me that I had to make a quick comment about something very important ... That thing of course is that the Yankees are in 1st place (SUPRISE!). I wrote weeks ago about the idiot sport writers that were writing off the Yanks. Well the morons have done their usual reversal and now support the way the Yanks are playing.

Now the Bosox get to deal with the injury bug (ha ha). Also on a side note, Baseball tonight isn't the same with out that clown Harold Reynolds. Yeah he was an idiot at times, but damn he was entertaining.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Has The United States Brought About The End Of Days?

Okay I'm gonna make this one short because I don't keep track of who the "new" bad guy is from day to day. If you would like to keep track with the daily screw ups, then go visit CNN.Com. I just want to say that IF there is an "end of days", then it was not brought on by the US (or our government).

Unless you have been living under a rock for however long you have been on this planet, you would know that the Middle East has been screwed up long before there was a United States of America.

I highly doubt we are in the end of days, or near Armageddon. This is mostly because I live in the real world, but will say things are pretty bad (although haven't things always been bad? No way can we compare now to the dark ages). If this is the end, then I hope it would hurry up so a lot of people could stop worrying about student loans (yes I'm being sarcastic smart ass).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Play the Fiddle for Fidel.

That's right Fidel Castro gave up power to his brother, Raul Castro. Fidel made an appearance wednesday, as you can read over at CNN.Com, so he's not dead ... yet. Now I must admit I don't keep up with all the politics of exactly why it's so great that he keels over. Of course any idiot knows that it would be a good thing, just not good enough to open Cuba up to democracy.

Now what I just can't wrap my head around is, how is he still alive? Forgetting about the attempts to assasinate him, all that smoking has got to eventually lead to cancer. You really can't think of Fidel Castro without thinking about cuban cigars. There are so many pictures and videos of him smoking. People here in the US die from smoking related cancer everyday. Are cigarettes that much worse than Cuban cigars?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Steroids Are GREAT!!!

Okay, so you probably are only reading this because you are shocked at the title. How can someone say steroids are great? They are VERY unhealthy and provide an unfair advantage to some athletes. The last 2 points I do agree with but ...

I'M NOT AN ATHLETE!!! I'm a fan. I could care less how someone cranks a homerun, as long as I get to see it. Love how people get into the "integrity" of the game. This country is built on liars, cheaters, and thiefs. I'm not ashamed of that, I embrace it. It is not all black and white; right and wrong. The world is gray.

I enjoy watching athletes doing superhuman things. The problem is that it is a bad example for kids. It's okay for athletes to harm themselves to get ahead, but not the kids (they can't be expected to make adult decisions). It was great watching all the juicers go nuts all these years.

Unfortuneately, Jose "Mr. Juice" Canseco had to come out with that damn book. Now we are forced to protect the snot nosed kids from being influenced by these juiced up athletes. Ignorance was bliss.