Saturday, August 05, 2006

Has The United States Brought About The End Of Days?

Okay I'm gonna make this one short because I don't keep track of who the "new" bad guy is from day to day. If you would like to keep track with the daily screw ups, then go visit CNN.Com. I just want to say that IF there is an "end of days", then it was not brought on by the US (or our government).

Unless you have been living under a rock for however long you have been on this planet, you would know that the Middle East has been screwed up long before there was a United States of America.

I highly doubt we are in the end of days, or near Armageddon. This is mostly because I live in the real world, but will say things are pretty bad (although haven't things always been bad? No way can we compare now to the dark ages). If this is the end, then I hope it would hurry up so a lot of people could stop worrying about student loans (yes I'm being sarcastic smart ass).


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