Monday, July 17, 2006

The Infamous Head Butt

I don't think I really have to tell you what head butt I'm talking about, but for the sake of those that may have been living under a rock ... I'm talking about Zenedine Zidane's head butt to Italian player Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup of Soccer (Futbol). I personally thought it was hilarious. A lot of sportscasters have expressed their disgust, but we know that they were laughing just as hard as us behind the scenes.

This head butt thing has become a phenomenon. I've heard about the incident so many more times than the fact that Italy did win the cup, that my head is spinning. There have been so many people around the world obsessed with what exactly was said. Now the parody videos have exploded all over the internet. My personal favorite is below:

As you can see, Zidane loves
to give head.

I'm not a fan of France (and I'm American, coincidence?), that being sad I think that the media shouldn't be so hard on Zidane. It was obvious that he wasn't going to win another cup so he wanted to leave his fans with a lasting impression (an impression on the chest of Materazzi as well).

Almost lost in the mass of video parodies and Zidane comments, Italy won their 4th World Cup. Now that I have been sucked into the Zidane commentary I want to do something that the media has failed to ... tell you the most important part of the 2006 World Cup Final:


(Better luck next time France :P)


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