Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Harold Reynolds FIRED!!!????

I was just watching ESPN and they announce that Harold Reynolds is no longer part of the network. The suits over there refused to make any comments. The best comment I have read on the subject is from the The Ragin' Asian Blog:

"harold reynolds got shitcanned from ESPN's baseball tonight. reynolds, in my estimation is easily the most affable guy on that show. not afraid to disagree with someone but doesn't do it for the sake of just disagreeing, jokes around just enough, and will dish out criticism appropriately. he was still a little bit of a player's guy, but i always got the sense that he understood that some ex-players (hi john kruk!) take it too far. with gammons out indefinitely while recovering from a brain aneurysm, there's really no reason to watch this show anymore. tino matinez, steve phillips, and buck martinez all suck. kruk is all right but he's dense and doesn't add much insight.

anyways, there's no word on why reynolds was let go, but we'll keep an eye out for you. seriously, is there even a question as to who is the best guy on that show is? why does espn do everything in my power to make me stop watching them. and why do i keep watching? ..."

You Have to stop by the blog to read the rest. It's guaranteed to make you laugh at least a little.


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