Friday, November 09, 2007

Daylight Saving Time Needs to End

I know I'm not the only one that is tired of daylight savings time. It's bad enough that the winter time gets cold, but to have it get dark so early makes me depressed. I have long forgotten whether it was created for the farmer, or to conserve energy. Either way, I hate it.

Most normal jobs are 9 to 5, so that only leaves a few hours of daylight to be seen by most normal people. Sure you get your sun time in during the weekends, but it's not enough to keep you happy.

There are places in Canada that have very high suicide rates, because of the lack of sunlight. That eternal dark drives men and women crazy. That's why they even have sun therapy lounges in the far north. There not tanning beds, but lounges of ultraviolet light to give people a taste of fake sun rays.

Let's please stop this daylight savings time, so I can still get some sun time in after work.


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