Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Britney versus Rogan For Richest Loser

Well Britney Spears, yikes. You are probably still not sure why global warming is so cold, but you know plenty about Britney Spears being nuts and everything Anna Nicole. Anna has been mentioned enough, so we will let her rest.

A bald Britney Spears is not an attractive sight. She has lost it, and it's sad to think that Kevin Federline is the more responsible parent. Apparently, she has so much money, that it has driven her insane. Naturally photographers hound her, but she has been paid very well for the breach of privacy. Once you become a star, you get paid millions to entertain AND to put up with the public scrutiny. This is why I would nominate her for richest loser.

She's got some competition though, Joe Rogan. The guy that hosts Fear Factor, UFC, ruined the Man Show, went out of his way to put down some kid on Myspace, accuses comics of stealing material, thinks he's a real comedian, and apparently has nothing better to do. The guy has gotta have some cash in his pocket, yet he is on some sort of loser quest to find comics who "steal" material. He recently jumped on stage during a Carlos Mencia performance. Rogan started getting into all of this research that he had done on Mencia. In short, he says Mencia has been stealing material for years.

I'm very biased, because I am a Mencia fan, but I couldn't stand Rogan long before this whole episode. Any comedian that lives off of racist comedy is going to cross paths with similar material of other comics. It's inevitable, but not necessarily intentional. It's a negative if he did blatantly steal stuff, but it would fit in perfectly with his routine. Mencia is hispanic, so stealing would be part of a lot of his jokes anyways.

I have lost even more respect for Rogan, if that's possible. Even if Carlos was stealing a lot of material, blatantly, why does Rogan feel it's his job to point it out. Here's some clichés for how I feel: "snitches get stitches" and "he who is without sin, cast the first stone." It is the responsibility of comics that are stolen from, to confront the thieves. Now any comic that were to steal from Joe Rogan, isn't going to be very funny for sure. Joe Rogan's comedy style can be summed up this way: "I'm Joe and I'm a whiny little bitch." Now that type of comedy is funny to other whiny little bitches, I'm sure, but NOT to me.

Rogan has some cash, so he should be busy getting laid and partying. He's gotta have at least a few groupies, I mean if Screech can get laid, then any D list star can. People that try hard to expose others are usually doing so out of jealousy, or trying to hide that fact that they are bigger offenders. Just look at that senator that was on a mission to get sexual predators and he turned out to be one.

Britney is a trailer park loser, but she is having some mental difficulties right now, so Joe Rogan wins Richest Loser by a long shot. Also an honorable Richest Loser mention goes to Joe Francis (he is a great business man, but the guy has got issues).

Now for some kind of clever ending ... Joe Rogan, in the words of Carlos Mencia, you are a "dee dee dee" and apparently having better things to do with your life is NOT a Factor For You.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith Dies And I'm Not Shocked

Anna Nicole Smith kicked the bucket and you know this of course. It's not like you haven't heard it like 20 times already. I really don't see how anyone could be shocked that she died. Whether it was drugs, murder, or both, it really shouldn't be headline news. I'm not saying the news shouldn't take a break from their constant Iraq coverage, but there are more important stories than Anna from the trailer park.

So who is the father of her baby? Who cares? Only those involved should care, not the whole country. It's not like the money the kid MIGHT inherit will go to any of the "little people". The media seems too busy with celebrities and child molesters these days. Real journalism isn't a big priority these days.

I've already said too much. I don't want to add too much to the circus, but I will end with a favorite quote that I overheard:

"Oh that poor Anna Nicole died. She was such a lost soul. Why couldn't it have been Paris Hilton instead?"

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

I write sins not tragedies

Yes that is a cliché of a title, a hit song by Panic At The Disco
, and more importantly, not the type of title you should see on my blog. Sins are my business, passion, weakness, and some would say, obsession. Ah yes, those animal instincts that we try so hard to control. All sin has made it's way into the online world. The most prominent sin would be Lust, as you can tell by the mass of porn sites.

Some of my friends have commented at my less than perfect grammar. My grammar is poor, but you can still understand most of the things that I say. Most English speakers don't use proper grammar, so I don't spend extra time on perfecting it. Don't like it? Naturally, then don't read it.

Wrath is a popular sin in my life and this blog. I hate when people try to force me into enjoying the same music as them. I hate when people are so obsessed with networking for their benefit, while they don't remember the other party's needs. I hate when people mess up lyrics to MY favorite songs. I hate when people get a little too social on forums. I hate when people don't know that pics is short for pictures or photos. I hate when people want me to rate their pics or vote for them. These are many of the minor annoyances that I have, and the major annoyances will eventually all get their own blog posts.

I know this is not my usual rant style, but it's been a very busy week. Next post I will really rip into something new. P.S. the Fergie thing is still really pissing me off.