Saturday, February 03, 2007

I Write Sins Not Tragedies

I write sins not tragedies

Yes that is a cliché of a title, a hit song by Panic At The Disco
, and more importantly, not the type of title you should see on my blog. Sins are my business, passion, weakness, and some would say, obsession. Ah yes, those animal instincts that we try so hard to control. All sin has made it's way into the online world. The most prominent sin would be Lust, as you can tell by the mass of porn sites.

Some of my friends have commented at my less than perfect grammar. My grammar is poor, but you can still understand most of the things that I say. Most English speakers don't use proper grammar, so I don't spend extra time on perfecting it. Don't like it? Naturally, then don't read it.

Wrath is a popular sin in my life and this blog. I hate when people try to force me into enjoying the same music as them. I hate when people are so obsessed with networking for their benefit, while they don't remember the other party's needs. I hate when people mess up lyrics to MY favorite songs. I hate when people get a little too social on forums. I hate when people don't know that pics is short for pictures or photos. I hate when people want me to rate their pics or vote for them. These are many of the minor annoyances that I have, and the major annoyances will eventually all get their own blog posts.

I know this is not my usual rant style, but it's been a very busy week. Next post I will really rip into something new. P.S. the Fergie thing is still really pissing me off.


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