Friday, January 05, 2007

Fed Up With Federline and Britney Spears

I really am tired of Kevin Federline aka "Crap Fed" and Britney Spears aka "Wear's my undies?". It was mildly entertaining for about five minutes, but now even I'm FED UP! Publicists get paid thousands to carefully craft an artists image to sell to the masses. Now you can see that Britney Spears has just about lost every ounce of that, once held, image.

Britney has gone from an American pop icon to just another piece of trailer trash that is waiting for a call from the Jerry Springer show. After 2 kids, a divorce from a wanna be white rapper, she's just about ready for the talk show circuit.

The sad part is the kids are going to suffer. They have no choice of who their parents are, but I can definitely see some drug and alcohol problems in their futures. You will notice I didn't mention Brit's ex very much. This is because I hope if ignored, he will go away. No matter how bad Britney has gotten, she can never be nearly as annoying as Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton, although she has tried to learn how from them recently.


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