Thursday, March 29, 2007

World Domination

No I'm not dead, I've just been making my plans for world domination. You know how it goes. First comes the money, then the power, and well I can't give away all the secrets. First order of business will be to buy up golf courses and turn them into public parks. I think the club houses would make great spots for low cost housing. I bet that would really piss off all the of the super rich old fogies.

You can always buy the people off. If they don't take money, then you can buy them a prostitute. Everyone is vulnerable to offers of money and sex. That's enough of the master plans for now. Back to my mad laboratory.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Everyone Is Selfish, Especially Me

That's right, you, me and everyone else, is selfish. Some of the reasons are obvious, while others are not.

Let's jump right into your first objection: charity. There are people that give everything to charity without caring about the tax breaks they will receive. This is supposed to be an unselfish act, but these people give to charity for their own selfish reasons.

Humans are addicted to chemicals in the brain (aka emotions) and giving to charity makes most people feel "good" inside. This good feeling is chemicals, so they are basically doing charity work to feed their chemical addiction. The darker side of charity is those people that do it just for the tax breaks. That darker side is the obvious type of selfish behavior.

Now the people that you love ... many people would die for the people that they love. This should be the most unselfish act, but it is not. Although self preservation is the most basic selfish instinct, procreation and leaving a legacy are an extension of that instinct. You would die for your children's sake, because they are your path to immortality. Donating and organ is leaving your legacy. Saving someone else's life, by sacrificing your own, is also leaving a legacy. People cannot life forever, so they hope for their name to live on through children/or their legacy.

When people do good things for other people, it's also selfish. Either they do it for that good feeling, or to gain power/influence over them. Power is it's own addictive drug. People will endure all sorts of pain for the sake of power. Some people even get off on pain. Somehow, it always points to a selfish thought.

The point I'm trying to make is that selfish is NOT a bad word. It is something that we all share in whatever we do. It's better if you are selfish in a way that helps others, but it's still a selfish thing. Now don't dare look down upon those that aren't into charity as much as you are, because everyone is selfish. A true charity worker doesn't have to tell everyone about how much they are giving to those less fortunate and how much time they are putting in. These people are attention seeking (selfish) whores. Giving to charity is great, but DON'T be one of those people.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why is Global Warming so Cold?

While scientists are screaming about global warming, I'm freezing my ass off. The days are getting longer, but it's not getting any warmer. Why is global warming so damn cold? Yes I've heard about the melting of the ice caps and how it changes the ocean current. That important ocean current that circulates the warm fronts. Ice caps melt = eminent ice age.

Now I'm just thinking we should call it polar melting instead of Global warming. Yes the ice is melting up north, but here the temperature continues to drop. I don't care if the yearly temperature increases, because it FEELS colder. It is important to prevent another ice age, but I can't help shaking my head when I hear global warming uttered.

Stay warm gas guzzlers, while you still can!