Monday, May 28, 2007

The Down Fall of Spoiled Whores

It's a great time of the year. The nicer weather is showing it's face and stupid spoiled whores are getting some much needed pay back from almighty Karma. Paris Hilton has more difficulty putting on that fake smile everyday she gets closer to prison. Lindsay Lohan gets her own DUI controversy with drugs involved and Mischa Barton was rushed to the hospital for mixing drinks with medication (more likely mixing illegal drugs with legal ones).

These women are setting a horrible example for impressionable girls watching them on TV. DUI is never right, but the punishment should be more severe for the wealthy. I can almost understand some hard working blue collar guy getting a little too drunk a lot more than a wealthy wench who can afford a daily limo.

It's a harsh thing to say, but let's hope that stupid spoiled whores kill themselves before they kill someone innocent.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Single Mothers Are You Serious

Well it's mother's day and I got to thinking about single mothers again. I go out to clubs less often than I used to, but I have become a single mother magnet. It seems like I always attract them like a moth to a flame. Sure single mothers are great people and blah blah blah, but I don't want the added drama.

Single women have issues about men in general. It's not all their fault, because we lie, cheat, and lie some more. Women don't really want the truth all the time. If some guy goes up to an attractive women and tells her exactly what he wants to do to her, then she's probably gonna get mad. That is a whole other rant in itself. Back on topic: Single mothers have even more issues than single women with no kids. It's obvious. The vast majority of single moms are single because they got knocked up by some asshole.

Asshole may be a little harsh, so we will say they got knocked up by a guy that told her the things she wanted to hear before letting him into her pants. Once the mission was accomplished, then the man's real character shows up. Mother's love their children, but single mothers have the flip side of an added reminder to the asshole that left her this way.

So ... single mothers I am NOT sorry that you are in this position, because I had nothing to do with it. In the future, I would appreciate it if you not try to find a "nice" guy at a club. Nice guys don't go to clubs to find nice women. Nice/Bad guys go to clubs to find naughty women that they never plan on introducing to their parents. If you want a nice guy who is looking for a nice girl, then go to the fucking library.

P.S. I can lie with the best of them, but I have a nasty habit of telling the cold truth. Don't get mad when I'm right. You want the truth? You CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!! ... I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Fuck a Gas Out

Recently, I heard about the dumb idea of a Gas out. For those that don't know, it's basically a boycott on gas in hopes of reducing the price. Whether it works or not, it's fucking stupid. If gas companies lose too much money, then they will just fire more people.

Now a smart gas station would announce one of those special price break just for that day. These boycotts are just another good reason for the hippies to stay inside, so they can smoke more pot. I get tired of hearing "stop using gasoline to save us from global warming".

You know HIPPIES, I'm sure all that smoking and lack of showering won't help the environment much either. Go after people that wear tons of cosmetics and hair gel. People need to lead by example. I can guarantee that Al Gore used as much energy in one month of touring to "save the world", than most people use in an entire fucking year.