Do Fat Girls Really Need Love Too?
My cousin nagged me to death over this design. She wanted me to make something for the big girls, despite the fat phobia that I have. It's not that I hate fat girls (not all of the time anyways), but those jelly rolls make my stomach turn.
Losing weight is not really hard, it's just not as easy as sitting your fat ass on the couch. You don't need to starve yourself, just eat smaller portions more frequently. I think the whining about how losing weight is so hard really makes most fat people annoying. Now I want to make it clear, by fat I mean these people with their stomach hanging over their pelvis.
It makes my skin turn to think about all the nastiness that must be fermenting in between those fat rolls. I'm reminded of a George Carlin skit: "How do these people take a shit?"
Now I get people that tell me how mean it is to look down on fat people, but I have earned that right. I used to be big and I made the sacrifice to eat healthier and exercise. It did not take forever to drop the weight, but it's not an over night diet that can fix things. You have to change your lifestyle. I'm tired of paying more health insurance, because most of America is fat.
Fat girls may need love too, but not as badly as they need to drop the fucking weight!