Mike Vick Let the Dogs Out
Yeah so Mike Vick is fucked. He's got a strict court, the NFL AND P.E.T.A, after him. It would be entertaining to cover him in liver, then release his attack dogs to see just how fast he REALLY is. He has fallen into the Rich Athlete Street Cred Syndrome (RASCS). Despite having cash for life, he felt the need to show he still has some ghetto in him.
I feel more sorry for most animals, than I do for a lot of people, but the coverage has been ridiculous. People die in outrageous situations every day, but don't receive a percentage of attention that dead dogs have gotten. I hate animal cruelty, but these band wagon jumpers are just as bad. They find causes that people are upset about and then decide that they are now members of that cause.
So you despise dog fighting, well where the hell were you before Mike Vick? Did you JUST decide to get upset about it, because you happened to watch the news? You SHOULD be upset, but this story should not get more coverage than other every day tragedies.
P.S. Most of New Orleans is STILL in ruins you fucking bandwagon jumpers.